• What TVs or monitors does Xandadeck support?

    Xandadeck supports any type of monitor, of any resolution (Full-HD, HD-Ready, or any other). The service was designed based on the primary resolution of 1920×1080 (dubbed “Full HD” or “1080p” in the TV industry). The content is automatically adapted during playback for any resolution and any monitor, even non-widescreen monitors. And you can specify alternative layouts to match different monitors and orientations.

    For resolutions supported by our Xandabox, check out this article.

    If you want Xandadeck to power-on and power-off your monitor, then there are two options:

    • Deactivating HDMI Port: this option is supported on the Xandabox (Raspberry Pi), but this usually works only on computer monitors (not TV sets)
    • HDMI-CEC Signaling: this option is supported on the Xandabox (Raspberry Pi), but this usually works only on TV sets (not computer monitors) (compatibility chart)

    Xandadeck uses both methods when trying to power on/off your monitor. The combination that likely causes trouble is when you are using a PC connected to a TV set. So, make sure that your installation does not use this combination, or else the power on/off feature will not work (TV will stay on showing its own “No Signal” message).

  • Live Video Streaming Support

    The Xandabox supports IP Video Streaming from several websites and custom streams through different protocols.

    Streaming Sites and Protocols Supported

    Under the hood, we use an awesome software called Streamlink. It currently supports:

    • several streaming protocols, including HLS and HLS variants, HTTP, RTMP and others
    • a large list of live video streaming sites, like YouTube Live streams, UStream streams, DailyMotion, and others

    Note that some of these sites also provide Video on Demand (VOD). Some of these might not work correctly. If you want to add a simple YouTube video (not a live stream), then you should not use the “Live Video Streaming” option when creating the video entry in the Xandadeck Portal.

    IMPORTANT: The Xandabox does not yet support automatic selection of streams based on available bandwidth. So, even if the stream of streaming site provides multiple resolutions or quality levels (bitrates), the Player will only select the highest possible level. We will soon support selecting a quality level between, “worst”, “medium”, and “best”.

    How to add a Live Video Streaming Site

    If you select to create Live Video Streaming, you will be presented with a text field asking for the URL of the video. Just paste the link from the site in that field. For example, here is the video link from a live stream on YouTube:


    Just copy this address and paste it into the text field when creating a Live Video Streaming entry in Xandadeck.

    How to add a Live Video Streaming URL (e.g. HLS)

    Note that this is an advanced usage of Live Video Streaming feature. You can contact our Support Team in case you need help.

    Specifying the Video Stream URL

    If you select to create a Live Video Streaming, you will be presented with a text field asking for the URL of the video stream. You need to put the exact stream URL, prep ended with the protocol prefix. For example, here is the HLS video stream link from NASA live stream (an HLS Variant playlist, with multiple version of the stream):


    Specifying a specific Stream from a HLS Variant Playlist

    The above playlist file has the following contents (you can download it with a web browser):


    This HLS Variant Playlist provides 3 different quality levels on 3 distinct HLS streams. By default, the Xandabox will always select the stream with the best quality level. If you want to select one specific stream, you will need to use one of the above listed distinct HLS stream URLs:


    For example, to specify the mid-level quality stream, you would enter in the text field of the Xandadeck portal:


    The same should be done for any HLS video streaming source in order to select a specific quality level, that is to use the specific HLS stream URL instead of the overall HLS Variant Playlist URL. 

  • Which Raspberry Pi does Xandadeck support?

    Xandadeck was build with the Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ in mind. The experience has been optimized for this device. (This is what we ship with our Xandabox. Get it for FREE with the Annual Plan!)  

    (Please note that we will be shipping out Raspberry Pi 3 B+ until supply of Raspberry Pi 4 is smooth. We estimate to start shipping out Raspberry Pi 4 for all orders around early August 2019.)

    For a detailed compatibility information of Xandadeck and the different Raspberry Pi versions, please CLICK HERE.

    Xandadeck is fully supported on all units with more than 1GB of RAM (with 4 CPU cores):

    • Raspberry Pi 2
    • Raspberry Pi 3
    • Raspberry Pi 3 Compute Module (+ lite version)
    • Raspberry Pi 3 Compute Module NEC Edition
    • Raspberry Pi 3 B+
    • Raspberry Pi 4 (1GB/2GB/4GB models)

    512MB units (with 1 CPU core) are slow but work fine. You should only use them for 1 full-screen Playlist, perhaps safely adding a single ticker. (Of course, we recommend against these for future-proof installations.)

    • Raspberry Pi Model B, Rev 2 – this is the “standard” Pi 1, widely available
    • Raspberry Pi Model A+
    • Raspberry Pi Model B+
    • Raspberry Pi Compute Module
    • Raspberry Pi Zero
    • Raspberry Pi Zero W – this required a custom image, check out this post on our blog

    256MB models (1 CPU core) will be sluggish and will probably fail at some point. Do not use these models with Xandadeck.

    • Raspberry Pi Model A
    • Raspberry Pi Model B – this is the very first Pi 1 released, now rarely encountered
  • How about customization services?

    Xandadeck includes Widgets that can be displayed on your monitors. We will soon support Custom Widgets per account.

    This way, you (or we) can create Custom Widgets for your account, which can then be used only on your monitors. Custom Widgets provide huge flexibility and allow you to show completely custom stuff.

    We can provide Custom Widget Development Services upon request. Contact us and we will provide a really low quote based on your needs.

  • What about Internet outages? What will happen to my monitors?

    Content displayed on your monitors is downloaded and played locally. In an event of Internet outage, Xandadeck-enabled monitors will continue to work fine, at least for 15 days or up to a full month. But you will not be able to change what gets displayed until Internet access is back.

    If the Internet outage is prolonged, then monitors will black out and display a discreet informative message.

  • Is there a bandwidth limit for media uploaded or downloaded on Xandadeck?

    No, there is no limit whatsoever. You can upload or download as many videos and images as you want.

    Note, though, that Xandadeck is not a file storage service, nor a streaming service. You should always keep copies of the content you create outside of Xandadeck. Always. We will not be held liable for failing to safely store and backup your content.

    Disclaimer: fair use is always implied. In case improper use is detected, we will contact you and, if you fail to conform, your account may be disabled abruptly. Check out our Terms of Use or contact us if you need more info.

  • Is there a storage limit for media uploaded on Xandadeck?

    No, there is no limit whatsoever. You can upload as many videos and images as you want.

    Note, though, that Xandadeck is not a file storage service. You should always keep copies of the content you create outside of Xandadeck. Always. We will not be held liable for failing to safely store and backup your content.

    Disclaimer: fair use is always implied. In case improper use is detected, we will contact you and, if you fail to conform, your account may be disabled abruptly. Check out our Terms of Use or contact us if you need more info.

  • Does Xandadeck support monitors mounted vertically?

    Xandadeck supports both horizontal and vertical monitors.

    In each show, you can specify multiple layouts for different monitor aspect ratios and orientations. Each Player will pick the layout version that better fits the specific monitor connected to the Player. This way you can have one show that can be managed and assigned into monitors with different sizes and orientations.

    The standard aspect ratio is 16:9 (used by “Ultra HD”, “4K”, “Full HD” and “HD Ready” screens), which is a horizontal layout. You can add the 9:16 layout (the same monitor sizes, but rotated). You can also add other aspect ratios, to fit other monitor sizes, like the older standard of 4:3 monitors.

    What’s great is we also support customizable aspect ratios and resolutions, too. It’s an especially helpful feature if you’ve got non-standard sized screens and LED matrix displays.

  • How do I set when things get displayed? How can I schedule what get shown?

    Beyond the default show, media or playlist assigned to each device, you can also assign it a single schedule. The schedule determines the exact time a show, media or playlist gets displayed.

    So, for example, you can setup a different show for different hours or days, or schedule to display a specific show,media or playlist at a given time-frame. It is very easy, but very powerful.

    By using a schedule, you can also setup the hours that you want to power-off your monitors in order to save on your electric bill. You just use the special predefined show called “Turn Off”.

  • How do I set what gets displayed?

    Within Xandadeck, there are 3 simple concepts:

    • Media, which are things that you create or upload to Xandadeck and get displayed, like image files, video files, YouTube links or web site addresses. You can use media as a default content for your monitors.
    • Playlists, which are a collection of media that gets displayed one after the other, with a duration that you specify (e.g. to create an image slideshow or video playlist)You can set playlists as your default content on your monitors.
    • Shows, which are a composition of playlists placed on a virtual monitor (e.g. a full-screen image slideshow with a video playing on one corner) which is where you create the layout on a virtual monitor for the media, playlists and other files you want displayed. Shows are a collection of files or widgets you want displayed together.

    After you create your shows, you can assign a default show to each of your monitors.